Sunday, 25 March 2007

Co-ordinating work with Tanya

I have been in contact with Tanya from Training Solutions in the last month. we needed to obtain the completed employers questionnaire as soon as possible as she mentioned that the last day of submitting the questionnaires to Aim Higher was the 20th March.

During this time I put lots of pressure on the FD tutors who passed this on to their students who in turn pressurised their employers for the return of the questionnaire in order to meet the deadline

luckily I received a sufficient number of completed questionnaires from various employers with a variety of industrial fields and have forwarded them to Ann at Aim Higher on time.
Below shows the emails that were sent between Tanya and myselef:
Thanks that is brilliant, Ann can you keep an eye out for them

Tanya 01384 877600

From: Badenjiki, Hamza [] Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:35 AMTo: tanya@trainingsolutions-online.comSubject: FW: Employer Feedback

Hi Tanya

Referring to employer’s feedback, I was heavily tracing FD faculties this week for that I have received feedbacks from 4 faculties so far, I will wait till Monday for any more and send all documents first class to Aim Higher as advised

Kind Regards

Hamza Badenjiki-SURF
Learning Materials Developer
B 20 - Burslem Campus
Tel: 01782 208 208 x 3112

From: Badenjiki, Hamza Sent: 15 March 2007 11:08To: ''Subject: RE: Employer contact details

Hi Tanya

I have used the attached questionnaire in the classrooms, asking students to fill them and then I used to have an open informal discussion with them and taking notes

I felt this friendly approach worked well with them

Please let me know if this is any help to you

Feel free to call/email me for any further issues

Kind Regards

From: [] Sent: 12 March 2007 11:33To: Badenjiki, HamzaCc: RE: Employer contact details

Hi Hamza

I am confirming points we discussed over the phone
Completed employer’s opinions need to be with us by the 20th March so we can complete an executive summary for Fleur.
Return to
Ann Brownless
Aim Higher
West Midlands
Wolverhampton Science Park
WV10 9RU

Hamza a copy of any questions you have asked students already would be handy as we will start working on focus groups for students in the next 2 months.

As I said over the phone thank you for your contribution the more responses we can gather the better for all to programme a better portal which meets everyone’s needs.

Anne, please can you ring me at your convenience to discuss.
Tanya 01384 877600

From: Badenjiki, Hamza [] Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 1:57 PMTo: tanya@trainingsolutions-online.comSubject: FW: Employer contact details

Hi Tanya

Referring to Fleur email please let me know how we can co-operate together

Kind Regards

Hamza Badenjiki-SURF
Learning Materials Developer
B 20 - Burslem Campus
Tel: 01782 208 208 x 3112

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